Protect your kids with Reebok’s CHECKLIGHT.

Protect your kids with Reebok's CHECKLIGHT.

The Reebok CHECKLIGHT (TM) Provides Coaches, Athletic Trainers, Parents and Athletes with an “Extra Set of Eyes” to Help Determine Impact Severity.

Parents of football players are becoming increasingly aware of the dangers of concussions and how they can possibly affect a child’s development. The documentary “League of Denial: The NFL’s concussion crisis” by investigative journalism show, “Frontline,” revealed how the National Football League is involved in a cover-up campaign of the potential link between football and long-term brain injuries. Frontline goes into depth on how the National Football League is fighting the scientists and researchers who presented evidence, and how they have mislead players on the dangers of the sport.

Below is the trailer for “Frontline, League of Denial: The NFL’s Concussion Crisis”

While the findings in Frontline’s are alarming, there is good news for parents concerned over head concussions.

Reebok and the electronic company MC10 have developed an impact indicator called CHECKLIGHT, a wearable a skull cap made out of a breathable material that is worn under a helmet.


When a player experiences a head concussion, the sensor at the back of the neck displays the severity of the impact with a flashing light

The sensor on the cap is  a strip of plastic that has flexible sensors connected to a small microchip with three indicator LED lights and a micro-USB port. The  green LED light serves as a battery level indicator,  the yellow indicates a moderate impact and the red indicates a severe concussion.

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The sensor on the cap is  a strip of plastic that has flexible sensors connected to a small microchip with three indicator LED lights and a micro-USB port. The  green LED light serves as a battery level indicator,  the yellow indicates a moderate impact and the red indicates a severe concussion.

It is important to note that the CHECKLIGHT is not s not a concussion diagnostic tool, but it provides an objective measurement of the impact experiences for an assessment to be made by a medical professional.

Technology like CHECKLIGHT has the potential to change the way  medical and sports professionals analyze sports injuries, and hopefully will lead to other headgear that will protect athletes from severe impact.

“At Reebok, we are dedicated to helping people be fit for life, no matter which sport or activity they participate in,” says Paul Litchfield, Reebok’s head of advanced concepts in a press release. “The more we learn about head injuries, the more we understand the long term ramifications and we want to do our part to help ensure people can participate, compete and enjoy life. There is still much to be learned in this area, but we believe technology can play a significant role in improving the athletic experience.”

CHECKLIGHT retails for $149.98 and it can be purchased  on Reebok’s shopping website:

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